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The pension-plan cookie thief

By The Mogambo Guru
To show you that the level of disgusting corruption at the end of long booms created by an excess of money and credit extends beyond the obvious slimeballs at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Congress, the Federal Reserve, the banks, and damned near everywhere else you look, a headline in last Monday's Wall Street Journal adds to the total tonnage of crud with the page one headline "Companies Tap Pension Plans To Fund Executive Benefits", which let companies use the pension plans of the regular employees to "pay for executives' supplemental benefits and compensation."
Now, I will note for the record that every time I try that crap with the employee pension plan or the petty cash account at work, everybody starts running around screaming about what a thieving, lying, despicable crook I am, and then everybody else starts adding to the accusatory din by saying how I'm probably the one who stole the cookies out of their stupid sack lunches, too, which weren't all that good (and kind of stale, too), so I don't know what all the fuss is about.
But everybody wants something for free, and since I look and act like a real earthling human, don't I bleed, too? So who is the real victim here, you hateful bastards?
But the desire for free stuff is pandemic, and Frosty Woodbridge at talks about this very point when he says that "Our US Senate along with Obama and McCain protects the interests of 20 million illegal aliens that take jobs from American citizens! Has either man stepped up to stop 400,000 annual illegal alien anchor babies and their mothers from sucking out of the US taxpayer's pocket? Even while 86 hospitals in California and Arizona are bankrupted out of existence because of millions of illegals using services for free?"
See? Everybody wants something for free! And the governments (federal, state and local) are there to give it to them and charging me for it!
Well, Peter Chamberlin, author of The Planned Collapse Of America, doesn't mention me specifically as the patsy who pays the taxes and the inflation in prices that comes because the damnable Federal Reserve creates so much money and credit so that the damned government can borrow it because the government can't get any more from me (as the archetypical American tax-paying worker, only more lazy and undependable) to spend on their little friends.
And by "everybody else", I mean the connected insiders, as Mr Chamberlin writes, "Our economy [is] based on parasitic capitalism, where the small elite sits atop the heap of men and gorges on their lifeblood." He says that this "is destroying the social fabric of America" and that it "is based on a stacked deck, where the top elites always reap the profits that are made to rise to the top through the corporate profits-based system".
To add presidential gravitas to the whole thing, had the perfect quote from Ronald Reagan, which is that "government is not the solution to our problem ... government is the problem. It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government."
And we are going to pay a hell of a price, and as Junior Mogambo Ranger (JMR) Skip G reminds us, "Jay Leno says on the air quite frequently, 'You have the government you deserve.'", which I amend to say, "And will yield a result similar to what the old Soviet Union got when they tried that Same Silly Crap (SSC)!!!!", which I punctuate with four exclamation points to indicate just how sure I am about that because that is the way economics works and what history has consistently shown.
And all of this getting busted out and ruined makes us little guys angry, in my case because I am too broke to afford drinking myself into oblivion. And it gets even worse when I read the essay at by Charles Hugh Smith, who titled his essay as, "Yes, There Will Be Armageddon: Government Goes Bankrupt", wherein he writes, "One financial Armageddon is entirely, easily predictable: the bankruptcy of government in the USA, at every level: federal, state, county and city. The prediction follows from very simple mathematics: entitlements which grow at 8% a year cannot be supported by an economy which grows at 3% or less."
In case you are wondering, I say that the money supply expanding recklessly, so that the government can borrow and spend and cause more and more debt, means that inflation in prices will lead to a catastrophic implosion of the economy, just because that is what always happens.
And what is the antidote? Four thousand years of history answers loud and clear, "Buy gold!" To which I will add "And silver! And oil!"
After the expected applause dies down in appreciation of getting such good advice, I will say, "And speaking of buying things, who wants to buy me a drink?" Apparently, people in line at the supermarket don't like good advice or they don't like to buy me a damned drink. Or both. And then they wonder why I hate them so much!
But at this point, nobody wonders why I love gold, silver and oil so much. And you should, too.
Richard Daughty is general partner and COO for Smith Consultant Group, serving the financial and medical communities, and the editor of The Mogambo Guru economic newsletter - an avocational exercise to heap disrespect on those who desperately deserve it.
(Republished with permission from The Daily Reckoning. Copyright 2008, The Daily Reckoning.)

Junk diet makes kids naughty

Junk food ... responsible for bad behaviour in kids
Published: Today
EATING junk food as toddlers makes kids more badly behaved at school, medics reveal today. Sugary and fatty snacks have been blamed for naughtiness and poor concentration, leading to campaigns for healthier lunches.
But research has now found that if children are given bad diet as young as THREE the damage has already been done by the time they go to school. Studies showed that pupils who had been fed processed grub as toddlers were the worst-behaved in class and performed the worst in tests. The findings emerged from a major study by the University of London's Institute for Education.
The probe, part of the Bristol Children of the 90s medical research project, looked at data from 14,000 children. It found that those on a junk food diet aged three were less likely to achieve the expected levels of improvement between six and ten.
Dr Pauline Emmett, a nutritionist from the University of Bristol, said: "We are confident that this is a robust association.
"It indicates that early eating patterns have effects that persist over time, regardless of later changes in diet. So it is very important for children to eat a well-balanced diet from an early age if they are to get the best out of their education."
The study showed that a child's diet at a later age has less impact on their school performance. Turkey twizzlers, burgers and chips have been blamed for behaviour problems and the Government has spent
millions overhauling school meals following a campaign led by TV chef Jamie Oliver. Many schools have banned junk food completely as a result. Improved meals are expected to boost performance in the classroom.

Soal TVRI ; Kalla: Jangan Hantam Pemerintah

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengatakan Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) boleh kritis namun jangan sampai terus menerus menyudutkan pemerintah.

"Inovasi boleh tetapi dalam batas pemerintah. Jangan hantam terus pemerintah. Jadi kritis dalam batasan itu," kata Kalla saat peresmian televisi digital di TVRI, di Jakarta, Rabu (13/8).

Lebih lanjut Kalla mengatakan, yang diperlukan oleh TVRI adalah inovasi dan teknologi. Dengan digitalisasi TVRI ini, tambah Kalla, maka TVRI sudah masuk ke teknologi digital. Karena itu, tambahnya tinggal inovasi pada program siarannya.

"Mestinya TVRI bisa bersaing dengan siapa saja, tetapi kalau TVRI tak disukai orang berarti ada sesuatu yang tidak benar," kata Kalla.

Kalla menjelaskan, TVRI selama ini tidak pernah berbicara soal bunga bank, soal penyusutan maupun soal gaji pegawai. Karena itu, lanjutnya, seharusnya TVRI bisa bersaing dengan siapa saja. "Selama ini TVRI selalu menjadi pilihan terakhir. Kalau TV-TV yang lain jelek acaranya kita baru pindah ke TVRI," kata Kalla.

Dalam kesempatan itu Kalla meminta TVRI bisa menghadirkan hiburan yang baik tetapi sehat.

Kalla mengakui, untuk bisa seperti ini memang tak gampang. Namun dengan pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan inovasi hal itu bisa dikerjakan.

[EL, Ant]

Buruh Demo Istana, Bundaran HI Macet

Shohib Masykur - detikNews

Jakarta - Sekitar 500 buruh dari Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia (FSPMI) dari Jabotabek akan menggeruduk Istana, Jl Medan Merdeka Utara, Jakarta Pusat. Mereka meminta agar rakyat tidak memilih presiden, wapres dan parpol yang pro outsourcing.

Sebelum ke Istana, para buruh berkumpul di Bundaran Hotel Indonesia (HI) sejak pukul 09.30 WIB, Kamis (14/8/2008). Mereka sebagian menumpang 30 motor namun sebagian lagi naik bus.

Tuntutan para buruh tersebut antara lain, tetapkan karyawan kontrak sebagai karyawan tetap, bubarkan dan cabut izin penyelenggara kontrak, berikan upah serta jaminan kesehatan bagi seluruh karyawan kontrak dan tetap tanpa kecuali.

Para buruh juga meminta dilibatkan dalam pengaturan dana-dana Jamsostek. Sebab selama ini yang mengatur hanya perusahaan dan pekerja tidak dilibatkan.

Mereka sebagian menggunakan jas biru gelap dari FSPMI. Mereka juga membawa bendera putih FSPMI dan poster bertuliskan 'Tolak Outsourcing'. Spanduk juga mereka bentangkan berisikan 'Jangan Pilih Presiden, Wapres dan Parpol yang Pro Outsourcing'.

Sementara itu situasi lalu lintas dari Bundaran HI hingga Istana macet karena memakan badan jalan. Meski demikian bus TransJ tetap jalan.

Revisi Pasal Penyadapan di UU KPK Bentuk Kegerahan DPR

Moksa Hutasoit - detikNews
Jakarta - Rencana Komisi III DPR untuk merevisi UU KPK mengenai masalah penyadapan dinilai mengada-ada. Ini hanyalah ekspresi kekhawatiran DPR terhadap sepak terjang KPK dalam memberantas korupsi.

"Revisi untuk saat ini tidak perlu. Itu bentuk kegerahan terhadap KPK. Lebih baik DPR fokus pada UU Pengadilan Tipikor saja," kata Koordinator divisi hukum dan monitoring peradilan ICW, Emerson Yuntho, saat dihubungi detikcom, Kamis (14/8/2008) pagi.

Emerson sebenarnya menyambut baik ide revisi UU KPK yang dilontarkan oleh anggota Komisi III Gayus Lumbuun itu. Namun, ide tersebut bisa saja dipelintir oleh oknum-oknum.

"Ketika pembahasan, bisa saja menjadi melebar ke mana-mana. Yang tadinya cuma satu pasal, akhirnya bisa mengubah banyak pasal," jelas Emerson.

Seharusnya DPR berkoordinasi terlebih dahulu dengan KPK mengenai rencana perubahan UU ini. KPK, menurut Emerson, akan lebih mengetahui apa-apa saja yang diperlukan untuk memperkuat lembaga tersebut.

"Kalau mau mendukung KPK, DPR harus tanya, apa ini (revisi UU KPK) yang mereka butuhkan?" katanya.

Emerson menilai, DPR hingga saat ini tidak perlu merevisi UU KPK. Menurutnya, KPK tidak memerlukan amandemen itu.

Sebelumnya, Rabu 13 Agustus kemarin, anggota Komisi III Gayus Lumbuun mengatakan akan merevisi UU KPK yang salah satunya mengenai penyadapan. Hal ini penting dilakukan agar penyadapan yang dilakukan KPK dapat memiliki aturan dan prosedur yang jelas sehingga tidak melanggar hak asasi manusia.


Harta Ki Gendeng Rp 16,8 Miliar

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta:Paranormal Ki Gendeng Pamungkas melaporkan harta kekayaannya di Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Jumlah uang yang ia miliki Rp 16,8 miliar. Laporan ini berkaitan dengan niat Gendeng ikut mencalonkan jadi Wali Kota Bogor. "Ini inisitaif untuk menjadi yang terbaik," ujar Ki Gendeng, Rabu (13/8).

Ki Gedeng berujar duit yang dikumpulkan bukan dari hasil korupsi. Namun, ia tak menjelaskan perinciannya. Tak jelas pundi-pundi tersebut berupa tanah, bangunan, atau perhiasan. Gendeng tak mau menyebutkan.

Begitu juga sumbernya. Gendeng tak menyebut uang tersebut hasil dari jasa paranormalnya. Dukun yang nama aslinya Imam Santoso ini mengajukan diri sebagai Wali Kota Bogor dari jalur independen. Ia tidak menyebutkan siapa calon wakil wali kota yang akan menjadi pasangannya.

Cheta Nilawaty,20080813-130672,id.html

Cat grow wings

A Chinese woman claims her cat has grown wings.
Granny Feng's tom cat has sprouted two hairy 4ins long wings, reports the Huashang News.
"At first, they were just two bumps, but they started to grow quickly, and after a month there were two wings," she said.
Feng, of Xianyang city, Shaanxi province, says the wings, which contain bones, make her pet look like a 'cat angel'.
Her explanation is that the cat sprouted the wings after being sexually harassed.
"A month ago, many female cats in heat came to harass him, and then the wings started to grow," she said.
However, experts say the phenomenon is more likely down to a gene mutation, and say it shouldn't prevent the cat living a normal life.
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